"Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari"
Data premiery: 08.10.16
Czas trwania: 12 x ok. 23 min
Gatunek: Okruchy życia, Seinen, Nadprzyrodzone
Bazuje na: Manga
~Opis fabuły~
Po śmierci ojca Tawara Souta wraca do rodzinnej Kagawy aby przygotować do sprzedaży dom, w którym niegdyś znajdowała się słynna restauracja z udonem. Spotyka w nim tajemniczego chłopca, śpiącego w jednym z garnków. Odkrywszy jego tajemnicę, postanawia się nim zaopiekować, jednocześnie przypominając sobie piękno Kagawy - "Królestwa Udonu" - i własne dzieciństwo w niej spędzone...
After his father's death, Tawara Souta comes back to his family place in Kagawa to prepare their house, where there formerly was popular udon restaurant, on sale. He meets there a mysterious boy, sleeping in one of the pots. After discovered his secret, Tawara decides to care for him and at the same time, he brings back all his memories from beautiful Kagawa - "The Udon Kingdom"...
After his father's death, Tawara Souta comes back to his family place in Kagawa to prepare their house, where there formerly was popular udon restaurant, on sale. He meets there a mysterious boy, sleeping in one of the pots. After discovered his secret, Tawara decides to care for him and at the same time, he brings back all his memories from beautiful Kagawa - "The Udon Kingdom"...
Jesiennych niespodzianek część czwarta! Taaa, wszyscy pamiętamy, jak to "Udon no Kuni Kiniro Kemari" przypominało "Amaama to Inazuma" z sezonu letniego i jak niewielkie nadzieje wiązałam z tym, że anime o motywie rodzicielstwa i udonie zdoła mnie do siebie przekonać... No bo jak temat rodziny chwyta mnie za serce, tak z doświadczenia wiem, że sielankowe produkcje o jedzeniu już tyle szczęścia nie mają. "Udon no Kuni Kiniro Kemari" zaskoczyło mnie tym, że pomimo dość mylącego tytułu i opisu fabuły, dostaliśmy przesympatyczną produkcję skupiającą się głównie na sprawach rodzinnych, a robienie czy jedzenie udonu, oczywiście stanowiło pewną część odcinków, ale nie na tyle dużą, by móc nazwać to anime kulinarnym. Jak dla mnie bomba, a jeśli ciekawi Was, jak tytuł ten wypadł w ogólnym rozpoznaniu, czytajcie dalej dzisiejszą recenzję ;) Zapraszam!
Part four of the autumn surprises! Yeah, we all remember how "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" resembled "Amaama to Inazuma" from the summer season and how few hopes I was giving to it being able to awake any interest with anime about udon and parental theme in me... Because even though family issues are catching my heart, I know from the actual experience that bucolic productions about food don't convince me that much. Despite of its misleading title and synopsis, "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" surprised me with how nice title, focusing mainly on family, we actually got, and making or eating udon was included in some part of episodes of course, but wasn't big enough to call it a culinary anime. That was definitely fine with me, so if you are curious of how this title performed in overall terms, keep on reading today's review ;) Enjoy!
Part four of the autumn surprises! Yeah, we all remember how "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" resembled "Amaama to Inazuma" from the summer season and how few hopes I was giving to it being able to awake any interest with anime about udon and parental theme in me... Because even though family issues are catching my heart, I know from the actual experience that bucolic productions about food don't convince me that much. Despite of its misleading title and synopsis, "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" surprised me with how nice title, focusing mainly on family, we actually got, and making or eating udon was included in some part of episodes of course, but wasn't big enough to call it a culinary anime. That was definitely fine with me, so if you are curious of how this title performed in overall terms, keep on reading today's review ;) Enjoy!
Tym razem zacznę może dość nietypowo, ale pozwolę sobie cofnąć się o te kilkanaście miesięcy do czasu, kiedy ja i moi koledzy zaczynaliśmy naukę w trzeciej klasie liceum. Ostatni etap szkoły średniej to oczywiście matura i coraz poważniejsze myśli o tym, jak chcemy albo raczej jak POWINNO wyglądać nasze życie po niej. Kiedy tylko temat schodził na owe tory, nauczyciele nie szczędzili nam pytań o naszą przyszłość i na jakie studia się wybieramy. No właśnie - studia. Nie jest niczym niezwykłym to, że w dzisiejszych czasach młody człowiek, który po ogólniaku nie uda się na wyższe kształcenie, jest traktowany przez społeczeństwo jako ktoś gorszy. Bo jak on wtedy znajdzie pracę, a nawet jeśli znajdzie, to przecież źle płatną i ledwo będzie wiązał koniec z końcem... Przez to też zauważyłam, że wedle niepisanej zasady każdy z nas powinien w klasie maturalnej, a najlepiej jeszcze wcześniej posiadać ułożony plan na całe swoje życie. Nauczyciele oczekiwali więc od nas złożonej odpowiedzi na wyżej wymienione pytania, a broń Boże jeśli znalazł się ktoś, kto pomimo zbliżającej się matury nie do końca jeszcze wiedział, co ze sobą zrobić. Może nie sprawiało to wielkiego problemu tym, którzy mogli pochwalić się "pewnym" zarysem swojej dorosłości, jednak nie trudno było zobaczyć irytację na twarzach tych drugich, którzy zmuszeni byli za każdym razem spotykać się z tym poczuciem zawiedzenia kierowanym w ich stronę. Bo prawda jest taka, że naprawdę nie wszystkim przez te 18/19 lat swojego życia udało się znaleźć to, co ich interesuje i czemu chcą się poświęcić. Do tego dochodzi presja wysokich zarobków... Kiedy nie wie się na co iść, najlepiej iść na coś opłacalnego - zauważyłam, że takie podejście jest naprawdę popularne i to nie tylko wśród młodych, ale i wśród starszych ludzi. Nie ma w tym nic złego i niepoprawnego oczywiście, bo każdy z nas chciałby mieć masę kasy, ale naprawdę nie rozumiem jednego - rezygnowania ze swoich marzeń tylko dlatego, że nie będziemy dzięki temu milionerami. Ja od jakiegoś czasu mówiłam wtedy sobie, że pójdę na coś związanego z turystyką. Nie byłam pewna, czy to jest TO, ale zdawałam sobie sprawę, że na takim etapie na jakim jestem, prawdopodobnie jest to jedyna rzecz jaka mnie interesuje. Nie należę do tych osób, które zrobią wszystko dla pieniędzy - nie wyobrażam sobie robić czegoś czego nienawidzę tylko po to by dużo zarabiać, bo to nie jest dla mnie szczęśliwe życie i kropka. Na temat tego jak przyszłościowym kierunkiem jest ten, na którym się znajduje, zdania są podzielone. W tym momencie naprawdę chciałabym pozdrowić mojego kolegę, który nie szczędzi kąśliwych komentarzy w tej kwestii, nawet jeśli totalnie nie mają one żadnego oparcia. Jednak kiedy byłam w liceum i znienawidzone pytania od nauczycieli padały akurat na mnie, ZAWSZE w odpowiedzi na moje początkowe zamiary czyli turystyka międzynarodowa, otrzymywałam pytanie zwrotne - "Czy da się z tego wyżyć?". O przykro mi pani profesor, że nie idę na medycynę ani na prawo, gdzie sytuacja też wcale nie jest taka pewna! Irytowało mnie to okropnie, ale nie kłóciłam się z nimi, bo po co? Znam siebie i wiem, że w momencie pójścia w innym kierunku męczyłabym się strasznie sama ze sobą. Podobnego zdania był nasz główny bohater - Tawara Souta. Wyprowadziwszy się do Tokio w celu pracy przy tworzeniu stron internetowych, zostawił on Kagawę i rodzinną restaurację z udonem za sobą. Jego ojciec pragnął tego, by ten przejął po nim interes, jednak w pogoni za tym, co naprawdę Soutę interesowało, rozstali się w niezgodzie i każdy poszedł swoją własną ścieżką. Po śmierci ojca i zamknięciu restauracji, Souta wraca do domu już jako 30-letni mężczyzna - do miejsca, gdzie znajdują się wszystkie jego wspomnienia szczęśliwych dni, gdy jeszcze cała czwórka, ze starszą siostrą i mamą, była razem. Niespodziewanie znajduje on tam małego chłopczyka, głodnego i śpiącego w podartych ubrankach. Za pewne zastanawiacie się, co też za tajemnicę, o której mowa była w opisie fabuły, on skrywa. Otóż chłopczyk owy okazuje się być Tanukim, przybierającym formę dziecka. Po co? Dlaczego akurat w domu Tawara? Na te pytania będziecie musieli sobie sami odpowiedzieć poprzez obejrzenie "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" ;) Tak czy inaczej Souta postanawia zaopiekować się Poco (bo takie imię mu nadał), dzięki któremu jest w stanie przypomnieć sobie wiele zarówno błahych ale i tych ważniejszych wspomnień z czasów dzieciństwa, o których prawdopodobnie zapomniał, albo których nie potrafił wcześniej zrozumieć.
I will start a little bit different this time and let myself go back in time, a dozen or so months ago when me and my friends started our third year in high school. The last stage of school of course means secondary school-leaving examination and more serious thoughts of how we want, or rather how our life SHOULD look after that. Whenever this topic was touched, teachers didn't spare us with questions about our future and which studies we are going to choose. There you are - studies. It isn't very unusual that a young man, who after graduating general high school doesn't go to university or so, is counted as someone worse. Because how he isn't going to find any job, and even if he will, definitely a low-paid one and he will struggle to make ends meet... I noticed that, according to unwritten rule, everyone at the our age, or even earlier (that would be the best), already should have an arranged plan of their whole life. Teachers were expecting from us an complex answers, and God forbid if there had been someone, who despite the exam coming, wouldn't have known what he or she was going to do. Maybe it wasn't a big trouble to someone, who could say proudly about "certain" outline of their adulthood, however it wasn't hard to notice an irritation on the other's faces, who each time were forced to deal with this sense of disappointment, teachers were targeting on them. The truth is, not everyone after 18/19 years of their lives was able to find something, what interest them and what they want to devote themselves to. We can also add a pressure of high payment... When you don't know what to do, the best thing is going on something profitable - I noticed, that this kind of attempt is very popular and not only among the young, but also among the older. It isn't bad or incorrect of course, because everyone would like to have tons of money, but I don't understand one thing - giving up on dreams only because it won't make us millionaires. I was telling myself for some time that, that I would choose something connected to tourism. I wasn't sure, if this is IT, but I was aware that it was probably the only thing, which interested me at that time. I'm not one of this people, who will do everything for money - I can't imagine doing something I hate only for making a lot of money. It isn't happy life for me, at all. Whether my current field of study is promising or not, opinions are split. I would like to give my regards to one of my friends, who doesn't spare any waspish comments on this topic, even though he doesn't have any base to say that. However, when I was in high school and hated questions were aimed at me, in answer to my initial plans (so international tourism) teacher ALWAYS asked - "Will you able to live on from this?". Oh sorry, professor, that I am not going to study medicine or law, where the situation isn't that sure anymore! I was really annoyed but never started to argue with them. For what? I know myself and I'm sure that after choosing another subject, I would suffer a lot. Similar opinion has our main protagonist - Tawara Souta. Moving out to Tokio in order to work on websites designing, he left Kagawa and family restaurant behind. His father wanted him to take over the business but in the pursuit of his real interests, they split up in disagreement and they both went their own path. After his father death and closing the restaurant, Souta comes back home as 30 years old man already - place, where there are his memories from happy days, when they all, with older sister and mother, were together. Surprisingly, he finds there little hungry boy, sleeping in ripped clothes. You are probably wondering, what his secret is. So the boys turns out to be shapeshifting Tanuki, who took child appearance. For what? Why in Tawara's house? You will need to find answers by yourself by watching "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" ;) Anyways, Souta decides to take care of Poco (he gives him that name), thanks to who he will be able to remember a lot of both trivial and more important memories from his childhood, which he forgot about or couldn't understand them before.
I will start a little bit different this time and let myself go back in time, a dozen or so months ago when me and my friends started our third year in high school. The last stage of school of course means secondary school-leaving examination and more serious thoughts of how we want, or rather how our life SHOULD look after that. Whenever this topic was touched, teachers didn't spare us with questions about our future and which studies we are going to choose. There you are - studies. It isn't very unusual that a young man, who after graduating general high school doesn't go to university or so, is counted as someone worse. Because how he isn't going to find any job, and even if he will, definitely a low-paid one and he will struggle to make ends meet... I noticed that, according to unwritten rule, everyone at the our age, or even earlier (that would be the best), already should have an arranged plan of their whole life. Teachers were expecting from us an complex answers, and God forbid if there had been someone, who despite the exam coming, wouldn't have known what he or she was going to do. Maybe it wasn't a big trouble to someone, who could say proudly about "certain" outline of their adulthood, however it wasn't hard to notice an irritation on the other's faces, who each time were forced to deal with this sense of disappointment, teachers were targeting on them. The truth is, not everyone after 18/19 years of their lives was able to find something, what interest them and what they want to devote themselves to. We can also add a pressure of high payment... When you don't know what to do, the best thing is going on something profitable - I noticed, that this kind of attempt is very popular and not only among the young, but also among the older. It isn't bad or incorrect of course, because everyone would like to have tons of money, but I don't understand one thing - giving up on dreams only because it won't make us millionaires. I was telling myself for some time that, that I would choose something connected to tourism. I wasn't sure, if this is IT, but I was aware that it was probably the only thing, which interested me at that time. I'm not one of this people, who will do everything for money - I can't imagine doing something I hate only for making a lot of money. It isn't happy life for me, at all. Whether my current field of study is promising or not, opinions are split. I would like to give my regards to one of my friends, who doesn't spare any waspish comments on this topic, even though he doesn't have any base to say that. However, when I was in high school and hated questions were aimed at me, in answer to my initial plans (so international tourism) teacher ALWAYS asked - "Will you able to live on from this?". Oh sorry, professor, that I am not going to study medicine or law, where the situation isn't that sure anymore! I was really annoyed but never started to argue with them. For what? I know myself and I'm sure that after choosing another subject, I would suffer a lot. Similar opinion has our main protagonist - Tawara Souta. Moving out to Tokio in order to work on websites designing, he left Kagawa and family restaurant behind. His father wanted him to take over the business but in the pursuit of his real interests, they split up in disagreement and they both went their own path. After his father death and closing the restaurant, Souta comes back home as 30 years old man already - place, where there are his memories from happy days, when they all, with older sister and mother, were together. Surprisingly, he finds there little hungry boy, sleeping in ripped clothes. You are probably wondering, what his secret is. So the boys turns out to be shapeshifting Tanuki, who took child appearance. For what? Why in Tawara's house? You will need to find answers by yourself by watching "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" ;) Anyways, Souta decides to take care of Poco (he gives him that name), thanks to who he will be able to remember a lot of both trivial and more important memories from his childhood, which he forgot about or couldn't understand them before.
Tawara Souta jest skromnym, spokojnym, ale też nieco zagubionym mężczyzną (przypomina nieco Handę Senshuu z "Barakamon" (>>recenzja<<), choć poziomu jego niezdarności i panikarstwa chyba nikt nie pobije ;)), który pomimo swojego wieku, wciąż potrzebuje dojść i zrozumieć niektóre rzeczy, jakie się z dorosłym życiem wiążą. "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" nie tylko na jego przykładzie stara się pokazać nam, że dorosłość wcale nie oznacza, że cały świat należy od teraz do nas i hulaj dusza piekła nie ma. Oznacza ona także podejmowanie ciężkich decyzji odnoście kariery, rodzicielstwa, przyszłości... Przyjaciel Souty, Nakajima Shinobu, jest młodym lekarzem, który zmaga się z problem odnośnie jego relacji z ojcem, natomiast jego siostra, kiedyś Tawara teraz Oishi Rinko, pomimo zamążpójścia wciąż nie decyduje się na dziecko. A Poco? Poco to jest taki promyczek tego tytułu! Przeurocza postać, która nie została tutaj dołączona tylko po to, by roztapiać serca widzów swoim urokliwym zachowaniem, ale ma swój duży udział w fabule i cel, dla którego nie można go postrzegać jako zwykły dodatek. Noo może czasami skupiano się na nim trochę za bardzo niż bym chciała, ale ogólnie rzecz biorąc, chyba nie da się go nie polubić ;) Bohaterowie "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" są naturalni i przede wszystkim prawdziwi. Nie trudno sobie wyobrazić, że sytuacje, z którymi się zmagają są możliwe, a zostali stworzeni po to, by przekazać widzowi pewien morał. Nie jest to dramat, więc ekstremalnych i może nawet patologicznych przypadków tutaj nie znajdziecie, ale problemy zwykłych ludzi, które mogą dotknąć każdego. Trzeba też pamiętać, że u Japończyków jest jednak trochę inaczej, mimo to uważam, że owy wyżej wspomniany morał może dotyczyć zarówno ich, jak i nas, i resztę świata. "Udon no Kuni Kiniro Kemari" mimo wszystko w naprawdę lekki sposób prowadzi swoją fabułę i nie można powiedzieć, że jest to anime jakkolwiek przygnębiające. Produkcja ta jest tak sympatyczna (czego zasługę można przypisać Poco), że idealnie nadaje się na spokojne wieczory. Gwarantuje wam, że będziecie się na nim zarówno śmiać, czasem podchodzić do niego odrobinkę bardziej emocjonalnie, a czasami chłonąć ciepłe uczucia, jakie ze sobą owy seans niesie. Idealne na wyciszenie i nie dość, że przemiłe, ale też pomaga zwrócić uwagę na pewne kwestie, o których może niektórzy z nas zapominają. Mimo wszystko polecałabym je nieco starszym widzom, bo choć nie doświadczycie tam żadnych kontrowersyjnych elementów, na młodszych niekoniecznie zrobi to takie samo wrażenie. Naprawdę szczęśliwa jestem z faktu, iż anime to nie poszło w kierunku bardziej oczywistym i nie zaczęło nagle zamieniać się w anime o udonie i jego robieniu. Wystarczy już to, że "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" samo w sobie był taką małą reklamą Kagawy, o czym świadczyć mogą chociażby zapowiedzi następnych odcinków - nie żeby coś, ale ja bardzo chętnie bym się tam wybrała ;) Nie trzeba było jeszcze bardziej podkreślać tego określenia "Królestwa Udonu", a seria zachowała swój charakter i spokojny klimat bez czynienia z tego szczęśliwej sielanki "o niczym". Mam wrażenie, że dzięki temu przesłanie było głębsze, spójniejsze i bardziej naturalne. Jeśli chodzi o zakończenie to jest takie słodko-gorzkie, ale z przewagą słodkości ;) Z początku nie byłam zadowolona tym, jak się ono potoczyło, ale ostatecznie uważam, że było to konieczne dla uczynienia tej historii kompletną (choć zabrakło mi większego zainteresowania innych odnośnie rodziny Poco). Czy jest szansa na więcej? Niby wiadomość "Until we meet again!" coś tam nam sugeruje, ale osobiście nie wiązałabym z tym ogromnych nadziei. Te 12 odcinków było wystarczającą liczbą i choć oczywiście nie miałabym nic przeciwko ponownemu zobaczeniu Souty i Poco, nie sądzę by było to aż tak potrzebne. Poczekamy, zobaczymy :) Na koniec tego akapitu pozwolę sobie jeszcze wspomnieć o przygodach Gao Gao-chan pojawiających się na koniec każdego odcinka (dzięki temu "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" tak naprawdę trwało po jakieś 20 minut). Gao Gao-chan faktycznie pojawiało się w głównej historii, jednak nie sądzę by było koniecznie oglądanie tych kilkuminutowych historyjek będących małymi podsumowaniami danego odcinka. Nie straciłam na tym wiele czasu, ale jeśli nie chcecie ich oglądać, to możecie być spokojni, że nic Wam wówczas nie umknie ;)
Tawara Souta is modest, calm and also a little bit lost man (he resembles Handa Senshuu from "Barakamon" (>>review<<), even though his clumsiness and scaremongering level probably no one is going to beat ;)), who despite of his age, still needs to reach and understand many things, which connects to an adult life. Not only on his example, "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" tries to show us that adulthood doesn't mean that the whole world belongs to us and heaven can wait. It means also making difficult decisions about our careers, parenthood, future... Souta's friend, Nakajima Shinobu, is young doctor, who deals with an awkward relation with his father, Souta's sister however, then Tawara now Oishi Rinko, despite of being married still doesn't decided on giving birth. And Poco? Poco is just a sunshine of this title! Very cute character, who wasn't add up only in order to melt viewer's heart with his lovable behavior, but he plays a big role in the plot and has an aim because of which he can't be perceived only as an addition. Ok, maybe sometimes he was the "main" a little bit too much than I had liked him to be but on the whole, it is impossible to dislike him ;) Characters of "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" are natural and above all genuine. It isn't hard to imagine, that the situations they are facing are possible, and they were made to convey certain moral. It isn't any drama, so you won't find here any extreme or pathological cases, but normal people's problems, which can affect every one instead. It should be remembered that in Japan it looks quite different as well, but despite of that I think that mentioned moral can apply to them, us and rest of the world. Regardless, "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" developed its plot in very light way and I can't said that this anime is somehow depressing. This production is so nice (thanks to Poco) that it is perfectly suitable for calm, evening showing. I guarantee you that you will be laughing, sometimes taking all of this a little bit more emotionally or absorb its warm feelings as well. It is perfect for calming down and if it isn't enough, it helps spotlight certain points, maybe some people forgets about. However, I would recommend this one to older viewers, because even though you won't experience any controversial elements there, it can make less impression on younger one's. I'm really happy that this anime didn't choose more obvious path and didn't suddenly become a title about making udon or udon itself. "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" being like a small promotion of Kagawa, what evidence even next episodes previews, was really enough - actually I would gladly travel there, just sain' ;) It wasn't necessary to highlight the term of "The Udon Kingdom" even more, and anime kept his nature and calm vibe without making it a happy bucolic tale about "nothing". I have an impression, that with this the message was deeper, more consistent and more natural. When it comes to an ending, is a little bit bittersweet but with more sweetness factor ;) Firstly I wasn't very happy with how it ended but I eventually reached a conclusion, that it was necessary to complete this story (even though in my opinion other characters should show more interest into Poco's family). Is there a chance for more? The message "Until we meet again!" can be a small suggestion for us but I personally wouldn't hope for much. This 12 episodes were enough and even though I wouldn't mind seeing Souta and Poco again of course, I don't think it is needful. Time alone will tell :) As the ending of this paragraph I will let myself mention about Gao Gao-chan adventures, which were appearing at the end of every episode (with this "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" actually lasted about 20 minutes). Gao Gao-chan actually had his 15 minutes of fame in the main story but at the same time it wasn't that important to watch these several-minutes yarns, which were small wrap-ups of what happened in particular episode. I didn't lose much time on it, but if you don't want to watch it, you can stay at ease that you won't miss anything ;)
Tawara Souta is modest, calm and also a little bit lost man (he resembles Handa Senshuu from "Barakamon" (>>review<<), even though his clumsiness and scaremongering level probably no one is going to beat ;)), who despite of his age, still needs to reach and understand many things, which connects to an adult life. Not only on his example, "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" tries to show us that adulthood doesn't mean that the whole world belongs to us and heaven can wait. It means also making difficult decisions about our careers, parenthood, future... Souta's friend, Nakajima Shinobu, is young doctor, who deals with an awkward relation with his father, Souta's sister however, then Tawara now Oishi Rinko, despite of being married still doesn't decided on giving birth. And Poco? Poco is just a sunshine of this title! Very cute character, who wasn't add up only in order to melt viewer's heart with his lovable behavior, but he plays a big role in the plot and has an aim because of which he can't be perceived only as an addition. Ok, maybe sometimes he was the "main" a little bit too much than I had liked him to be but on the whole, it is impossible to dislike him ;) Characters of "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" are natural and above all genuine. It isn't hard to imagine, that the situations they are facing are possible, and they were made to convey certain moral. It isn't any drama, so you won't find here any extreme or pathological cases, but normal people's problems, which can affect every one instead. It should be remembered that in Japan it looks quite different as well, but despite of that I think that mentioned moral can apply to them, us and rest of the world. Regardless, "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" developed its plot in very light way and I can't said that this anime is somehow depressing. This production is so nice (thanks to Poco) that it is perfectly suitable for calm, evening showing. I guarantee you that you will be laughing, sometimes taking all of this a little bit more emotionally or absorb its warm feelings as well. It is perfect for calming down and if it isn't enough, it helps spotlight certain points, maybe some people forgets about. However, I would recommend this one to older viewers, because even though you won't experience any controversial elements there, it can make less impression on younger one's. I'm really happy that this anime didn't choose more obvious path and didn't suddenly become a title about making udon or udon itself. "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" being like a small promotion of Kagawa, what evidence even next episodes previews, was really enough - actually I would gladly travel there, just sain' ;) It wasn't necessary to highlight the term of "The Udon Kingdom" even more, and anime kept his nature and calm vibe without making it a happy bucolic tale about "nothing". I have an impression, that with this the message was deeper, more consistent and more natural. When it comes to an ending, is a little bit bittersweet but with more sweetness factor ;) Firstly I wasn't very happy with how it ended but I eventually reached a conclusion, that it was necessary to complete this story (even though in my opinion other characters should show more interest into Poco's family). Is there a chance for more? The message "Until we meet again!" can be a small suggestion for us but I personally wouldn't hope for much. This 12 episodes were enough and even though I wouldn't mind seeing Souta and Poco again of course, I don't think it is needful. Time alone will tell :) As the ending of this paragraph I will let myself mention about Gao Gao-chan adventures, which were appearing at the end of every episode (with this "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" actually lasted about 20 minutes). Gao Gao-chan actually had his 15 minutes of fame in the main story but at the same time it wasn't that important to watch these several-minutes yarns, which were small wrap-ups of what happened in particular episode. I didn't lose much time on it, but if you don't want to watch it, you can stay at ease that you won't miss anything ;)
Grafika, jaką LIDEN FILMS nam tutaj zaproponowało powinna trafić w gusta wielu widzów. Jest w niej coś urokliwego, a lekko przydymione tła, które w swoich najlepszych momentach powalają malowniczością krajobrazu, oraz stonowane, ale ciepłe barwy zachowują sielankowy i "wiejski" klimat anime. Projekty postaci wywołują u mnie nieco mieszane uczucia. Wielgachne oczy u kobiet i dzieci, choć u tych drugich okropnie urocze, nie do końca przypadły mi do gustu sprawiając u starszych naprawdę dziwne wrażenie. Nakajima przedstawiony był trochę karykaturalnie z tymi swoimi zębami, natomiast Souta wypadł zdecydowanie najprościej przy reszcie bohaterów, a już na pewno przy przystojnym kapłanie Fujiyamie ;) Mimo to uważam, że nie wyglądało to wszystko wcale tak źle, a ich przedstawienia, być może nawet delikatnie oddawały ich charaktery. To co trzeba pochwalić to mimika twarzy postaci, która momentami przechodziła samą siebie! Stąd też kolejne podobieństwo do "Barakamon" i Handy u Souty ;) Soundtrack natomiast kupił mnie całkowicie. Jest prześliczny! Świetnie podkreślał odpowiednie sceny, a co najważniejsze, naprawdę było go słychać. Jeśli nie jesteście przyzwyczajeni do zwracania uwagi na muzykę w tle, mam nadzieję, że podczas oglądania "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" będzie to dla Was znacznie łatwiejsze, bo warto wsłuchać się w to, co dzięki pracy Hashimoto Yukari mogliśmy tutaj posłuchać ;) Jak lubicie spokojniejsze i delikatniejsze OSTy to zdecydowanie polecam! Przy okazji openingu do mojej playlisty dołączyła kolejna piosenka w wykonaniu WEAVER (jeśli pamiętacie recenzję "Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo" (>>recenzja<<) to wiecie też, jak bardzo upodobałam sobie tamten opening) - "S.O.S.". Naprawdę sympatyczny, rytmiczny kawałek. Ending, czyli "Sweet Darwin" od GOODWARP jest dużo spokojniejszy, łapałam się nawet na jego nuceniu pod nosem i chętnie przesłuchiwałam go w każdym odcinku.
The graphic, which LIDEN FILMS has offered us here, should appeal to many viewers. Something charming hides in there, and softly blear background, which in their best moments were prostrating with picturesqueness images, as well as toned down but warm colors were perpetuating bucolic and "rural" vibe. Character's projects developed mixed feelings in me. Humongous women's and children's eyes, even though the second looked really cute, didn't completely appealed to me, making the older one's look pretty weird. Nakajima depicted a little bit caricatured with his teeth, while next to others Souta turned out definitely the most simple (surely next to handsome priest Fujiyama ;)). Despite of that I think it all looked not that bad and their appearances were perhaps even subtly reflecting their personalities. What should be praised is facial expression, which sometimes were really outdoing itself! Therefrom the next similarity to the "Barakamon" and Souta to Handa ;) Soundtrack however won me over. It it beautiful! Perfectly highlighted right scenes and what the most important, it really was easy to hear. If you are not used to paying attention to music in the background, I hope that while watching "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" it will be much easier, because Hashimoto Yukari's work is definitely worth it ;) If you like more calm and subtle OSTs than I recommend you this one! With the opening I could add another song performed by WEAVER to my playlist (if you remember review of "Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo" (>>here<<), you know that I really liked its intro) - "S.O.S.". Really nice, rhythmical son. Ending, "Sweet Darwin" by GOODWARP, is much smoother, and I even caught myself on hummed it and listening to it gladly in every episode.
The graphic, which LIDEN FILMS has offered us here, should appeal to many viewers. Something charming hides in there, and softly blear background, which in their best moments were prostrating with picturesqueness images, as well as toned down but warm colors were perpetuating bucolic and "rural" vibe. Character's projects developed mixed feelings in me. Humongous women's and children's eyes, even though the second looked really cute, didn't completely appealed to me, making the older one's look pretty weird. Nakajima depicted a little bit caricatured with his teeth, while next to others Souta turned out definitely the most simple (surely next to handsome priest Fujiyama ;)). Despite of that I think it all looked not that bad and their appearances were perhaps even subtly reflecting their personalities. What should be praised is facial expression, which sometimes were really outdoing itself! Therefrom the next similarity to the "Barakamon" and Souta to Handa ;) Soundtrack however won me over. It it beautiful! Perfectly highlighted right scenes and what the most important, it really was easy to hear. If you are not used to paying attention to music in the background, I hope that while watching "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" it will be much easier, because Hashimoto Yukari's work is definitely worth it ;) If you like more calm and subtle OSTs than I recommend you this one! With the opening I could add another song performed by WEAVER to my playlist (if you remember review of "Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo" (>>here<<), you know that I really liked its intro) - "S.O.S.". Really nice, rhythmical son. Ending, "Sweet Darwin" by GOODWARP, is much smoother, and I even caught myself on hummed it and listening to it gladly in every episode.
"Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" będzie idealną propozycją dla tych, którzy przepadają za spokojniejszymi produkcjami z gatunku okruchów życia i cenią sobie delikatne przesłania z nimi związane. Jeśli lubicie motyw rodzinny to oczywiście również bardzo Wam ten tytuł polecam, bo naprawdę można się rozpłynąć pod wpływem relacji Souty z Poco ;) Do oglądania na pewno przekonuje też świetny soundtrack i ładna grafika i mam nadzieję, że moją dzisiejszą recenzją, udało mi się to wszystko Wam przekazać :) Cieszę się, że za "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" się zabrałam i tego samego życzę też i Wam!
"Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" will be a perfect proposition for this group of viewers, who likes more peaceful productions and appreciates a subtle messages connected to them. If you like family themes, I would like to recommend you this title as well because the relation between Souta and Poco will probably melt everyone hearts ;) Also, great soundtrack and nice graphic are these elements, which definitely should convince you to watch, and I hope that with today's review I managed to convey all of these aspects :) I'm really glad that I get down to "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" and I wish you all the same!
"Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" will be a perfect proposition for this group of viewers, who likes more peaceful productions and appreciates a subtle messages connected to them. If you like family themes, I would like to recommend you this title as well because the relation between Souta and Poco will probably melt everyone hearts ;) Also, great soundtrack and nice graphic are these elements, which definitely should convince you to watch, and I hope that with today's review I managed to convey all of these aspects :) I'm really glad that I get down to "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" and I wish you all the same!
Fabuła: 4/5
Bohaterowie: 5/5
Grafika: 3,5/5
Muzyka: 5/5
Ocena ogólna: 4/5
Ocena końcowa: 8,6/10
A Wy co sądzicie o "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari"?
And what do you think about "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari"?
And what do you think about "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari"?
Kusonoki Akane
Straaasznie mi przypadło do gustu to anime, i pod względem kreski i fabularnie też siadło :). Powinno się spodobać fanom Barakamona właśnie :D. Ten ending jest naprawdę śliczny!
OdpowiedzUsuńPrawda? "Barakamon" był zabawniejszy według mnie, ale i tak pozostawił po sobie takie ciepło na serduszku podobnie jak "Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari" :D Dla fanów rodzinnych serii jak znalazł!
UsuńWow! Nie sądziłam, że to aż tak dobre jest! :) W sumie w poprzednim sezonie miałam oglądać, ale jednak całkiem o tej serii zapomniałam. Myślałam sobie, że może zastąpi mi trochę "Barakamona". Kurczaczki! W takim razie chyba już dziś sobie odpalę. To będzie przyjemny maraton!
OdpowiedzUsuńPolecam serdecznie ^ ^ Koniecznie napisz jak się podobało ;)
UsuńBardzo mi się podobało to anime! Lubię takie klimaty, a Poco był niesamowicie uroczy. :) No i jego relacja z Soutą... Cudeńko! <3
OdpowiedzUsuńSzczerze się zastanawiam, czy niepolubienie Poco i Souty jest wgl możliwe ^ ^